A semi-regular, freeform discussion regarding spiritual deconstruction.
Here are the podcast links:
Season 2 Episodes:
Coming soon!
Season 1 Episodes:
11 - The Meaning of Nothing - Lindsay and I discuss the tension between, effort, fulfillment and meaning.
10 - What is a Father’s Role? - For Father’s Day, Lindsay and I discuss what the role of a father is, and how that might have changed in the last few years.
9 - What even is “A Calling?” - Linday and I have a loose and spicy conversation on what it means to be “called.”
8 - Recontextualization of Spiritual Trauma - Part 2, of our conversation with our friends as we attempt to recontextualize our spiritual traumas.
7 - Joe and Michelle’s Story - Checking in with our friends’ spiritual journey.
6 - 2016 - Politics of Humanity, and the Evangelical response to Trump.
5 - I Want To Believe - Why do some of us fall into cults? Is Christianity a cult?
4 - Apostles of Unbelief - Lindsay and I discuss the deconversion of Rhett and Link. Are we also “apostles of unbelief?”
3 - The Hole - In this episode, Rob and Lindsay discuss what it was like having a hole left behind by Christianity.
2 - Starting with the End - In this episode, Lindsay and Robert discuss why they left their church and evangelical Christianity.
1 - Introductions, What’s in a Name? - An introduction and origin story of our spiritual deconstruction and faith shift.
Season 1 Trailer - The Season 1 Weightless Space Podcast Trailer.